Tackling nature in space has been a challenging but very exciting element we wanted to bring to New Eden with EVE Vanguard.

Here you can see the design evolution and early stages of the map that we know today as 'Solstice'.

Despite these being early concepts, you can see the direction of vegetation and rock formations and how the team has had fun exploring how natural resources can come to life in a Sci-Fi setting.

Speaking of which; did you know that Carrions Core was originally designed with cryo-fluid?

At its core, EVE Vanguard is very community-centric. We want to know what YOU would like to see planetside in New Eden with EVE Vanguard.

One thing's for sure, wreckage on planets can be very different to wreckage in space.

Instead of being blown up into tiny pieces, debris crash lands and scatters remains that eventually become a warclone action zone.

We'd love to hear from you! Does it feel like you're navigating space wreckage on the surface? Is there enough life and cosmetic atmosphere? Most importantly: does it feel like New Eden?

And with that, our first theme comes to a close! We can't wait to hear your thoughts and feedback surrounding the art of EVE Vanguard, and we're excited to join the conversation with you. Until next time, o7