Your Questions, Answered

What is EVE Vanguard?
EVE Vanguard is an immersive MMO FPS set in the epic sci-fi universe of EVE Online, 21,000 years in the far future. Technologically immortal warclones descend onto planets to complete hazardous contracts in dangerous combat zones, mastering adaptive weaponry and overcoming emergent threats. Every action taken on the ground influences the greater war taking place among the stars of New Eden, creating a truly connected experience that bridges the gap between FPS combat and massive space warfare.
What genre of game is EVE Vanguard?
EVE Vanguard is a massively multiplayer online, first-person shooter (MMOFPS) game.
How can I access EVE Vanguard?
EVE Vanguard is in early development and not always live. When it is, it is accessible through the latest version of the game launcher.
How can I provide feedback on my experience with EVE Vanguard?
We welcome all feedback as we build this in conjunction with the community. We would recommend joining the official Discord, as we monitor the discussions and feedback there continuously. After each playtest and event, participants receive survey links via email, where we ask for specific feedback which is super helpful for us so we are always grateful for anyone who takes the time to tell us what they think.
When will EVE Vanguard launch?
When it's ready. We are targeting Early Access launch on PC in 2025, and are focussed on building towards that alongside the community.
Will EVE Vanguard have resets?
After launching into Early Access we do not plan to reset player inventory.
There will be a reset ahead of Early Access launch, and resets are likely between now and Early Access launch.
How can I help shape EVE Vanguard?
Join our Discord, tell us what you think of the experience today and what you'd like to see in the future.