Before designing any weapon in Vanguard, we ask the same three core questions: Who made it? What does it do? How will it be used? These principles form the foundation of our design philosophy, ensuring that every weapon feels like an authentic part of the world.
Who made it?
Every weapon in Vanguard has been manufactured by a faction or empire within New Eden, each with its own distinct culture and technological signature. Whether a weapon is sleek and precise or heavy and brutal, its origins will influence its visual style and the materials used in its construction.
What does it do?
Weapons are designed with a specific purpose in mind, whether it’s delivering precision strikes or providing heavy firepower in chaotic battle scenarios. Once we understand the function of the weapon, we assign it to an appropriate world manufacturer. Just as in the real world, different corporations specialize in different methods of construction, and this is reflected in both the look and feel of the weapons.
How will it be used?
Weapon design goes beyond aesthetics—ergonomics and player experience are critical. Elements like the positioning of charging handles or magazine placement must align with how players will handle the weapon in combat. Our 3D, concept, and animation teams collaborate to ensure each weapon not only looks incredible but feels amazing to use in action. From concept to the battlefield, every detail of a weapon is carefully crafted to ensure it delivers a unique combat experience for the players of Vanguard.

Drones in Vanguard are autonomous robots that fulfil a variety of roles and tasks. Not all drones are designed for combat, and many do not pose significant threats to Vanguard or NPCs. Their modular nature allows for extensive customization, enabling them to serve different functions depending on the variant. Most drones are airborne, manoeuvring easily in 3D space, which presents a unique challenge for players, especially when engaging small and agile drones. The diversity of drone sizes and shapes also means that combat strategies must adapt accordingly—sometimes evading drones is just as critical as engaging them.
Goals & Strategy
Each drone variant in Vanguard is built for a unique purpose, requiring players to adapt their strategies when encountering them. Whether drones are scouting for targets, protecting key assets, or deploying reinforcements, players must always consider their role and threat level.
Intended Player Experience
Drones in Vanguard offer a range of challenges, from their aerial mobility to their varied capabilities. Players must take a different approach depending on the drone’s vertical positioning and modular design. Drones also evoke different emotional responses depending on whether they are aligned with, against, or agnostic toward the player.

The Militia are an organized group of survivors native to Solstice and other habitable planets. They act as a resistance force, primarily using ambush tactics to combat occupying forces. Despite being low-tech compared to other factions, they use scavenged weaponry and resources to become a significant threat to Vanguard and other AI-controlled enemies.
Player Experience
Players should expect sudden ambushes from Militia, which create reactionary combat scenarios. The ambushes slow players down and force them to become more methodical in navigating the map, being mindful of Militia traps or squads lurking nearby. Militia combat should feel unpredictable but not entirely without warning. Players can detect the presence of Militia through subtle environmental cues like chatter, clicks, and whistles. This gives players some control over avoiding traps while still keeping the pressure on.
Militia ambushes come in various forms, surprising and disorienting players with traps or sudden attacks. Some common ambush types include:
Trap Ambush:
Exclusively targets Vanguard players with tripwire traps. Once triggered, Militia squads quickly appear to engage the player.
Roaming Ambush:
Militia squads roam the map, attacking both players and NPC squads.
Camp Ambush:
Militia lie in wait at strategic locations, initiating scripted set-piece encounters.
Trapdoor Ambush:
Triggered by players or objects like grenades. These ambushes send Rogues (a Militia variant) to spring a high-damage melee attack.
Post-Combat: If Militia wins a fight, they might be seen looting deathboxes in the area before retreating. Militia who successfully loot items will drop them upon death if killed later.
Militia variant ideas
Standard enemy wielding stolen Core80s. Uses knives in close proximity.
Tracks targets with low fire-rate rifles and maintains a safe distance.
Fast-moving melee attackers who charge recklessly toward players.
Throws explosives from behind cover, advancing on pinned targets.
Situational Awareness
Players need to rely on subtle cues to detect Militia presence. These include:
Militia Presence Ambience:
Whispers, clicks, and subtle sounds warn players of nearby Militia.
Militia War Cry:
Loud war cries signal an impending attack, giving players a final moment to react.
Unique Footsteps:
Militia have a distinctive sound profile, making them identifiable even when out of sight.
Loot Drops
Militia often drop munitions components and scrap. More valuable resources can be found as uncommon loot, but players may also recover items looted by Militia during their ambushes.

Until next time, o7