Denizens of New Eden,
Vanguard forces were deployed in earnest a little over 24 hours ago, as YC126.11.28 Groundbreak was launched, and the Vanguard is already changing the landscape of the cluster.
Pirates have the upper hand in the current insurgency, having captured five systems, and Vanguard forces are playing their part in wrestling control over the Elanoda system away from CONCORD. Many Vanguard have taken to the field, with significant numbers still in reserves. While the Vanguard are fighting for both sides, they seem to favor Mordu's Legion slightly more. The Legion is in need of more support to resist being swept away by the Guristas, and have sent out a rallying cry across New Eden, offering rewards to new recruits.

Those who participate in the current operation will receive one of 16 Arkombine Arisen SKINs, four of which have not been released before. To be eligible you need to deploy in EVE Vanguard for more than 10 minutes. The reward will be claimable in the New Eden Store from 23:59 UTC on 13 December.

Additionally, warclones who spend more than one hour on the ground during the event will receive a stunning new gun skin, Seykal Fury, at a later date. the Deathless has asked capsuleers to help defend them. There is of course nothing stopping them from destroying the towers and stealing the passkeys for themselves, should they prefer to support suppression-aligned forces.

Make sure you stay up to date with the latest developments in YC126.11.28 Groundbreak by following the EVE Vanguard social channels:

Enter the Community Hub to complete missions and earn unique Discord roles plus other future rewards. The universe is feeling the impact of the Vanguard already. Keep up the good fight and we will see you planetside this weekend.